Saturday, May 10, 2008

Words of Blessing


“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make
His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the
LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24—26

When God told Moses to tell Aaron to bless his descendants he set a pattern that we may also use for our grandchildren. It is so important for you to bless them and let them know that you are……speak it, write it, tell it, and even sing it! As you are well aware, our world is full of negatives and our grands are constantly being “put down” so it is important that we take the time to bless them and lift them up. Experts tell us that it takes nine positives to erase one negative and that our mind quickly stores that information for all time.

Select one of your grandchildren to focus on in prayer and claim a blessing over them for the next fourteen days. Then select another grandchild and do the same for the next fourteen days, etc., until you have covered all of them. Wait and watch to see what God will accomplish as you press in to HIM.

May the LORD bless and keep each of you for being a Praying Grandmother and may His face shine brightly upon you and be gracious to you; and may the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace over your grandchildren.

Happy Mother’s Day


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