Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Prayer for Students

Heavenly Father, as another school year begins, we pray for all the students around the world. Give them a love and respect for school and their teachers. Help them to be disciplined to do their assignments. During the first days of school, lead each one to their new classes. Teach the students to be honest and honorable in their habits and communication. Guide them to make godly friends and be good role models for their classmates. Protect all who play sports and travel representing their schools. Create a desire to be pure in heart, mind, and body for this generation and for generations to come. Place in each student a desire to shape their culture to honor and glorify YOU. In the name of Jesus, we pray, amen.

We appreciate Bobbye's grandson for his contribution to this prayer. Thank you Robby...may you grow strong in the LORD!
And thanks to our teen photographer for her contribution as well. I love your heart for the LORD "A"!!!

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